Gynecologist center
In the gynecologist center Clinica Medica General we have highly qualified professionals with the most modern equipment for diagnosis and successful treatment of all diseases, infections and problems of the female reproductive system. Our specialists will help you find the cause of all menstrual disorder, to detect and cure diseases and sexually transmitted infections as well as malfunctioning of your reproductive organs. Likewise, the gynecological center will help you deal with hormonal problems, infertility problems and will offer you alternatives to help in the transition to menopause. The center also has the support of the prestigious laboratories of General Medical Clinic for the rapid detection of benign and malignant tumors as well as the support of renowned Surgical Center in Los Angeles for restoration, removal and healing all cyst, polyp and including cancer.
Vaginal reconstruction
For women who have felt embarrassed by the loss of droplets of urine, there is now a simple surgery done in a day and offers a successful outcome. After a short recovery time, most patients regain full control of his bladder and never have to worry about incontinence.
Urinary Incontinence
The involuntary loss of urine can occur for various reasons, by the efforts made to give birth, falling bladder, damaging the nerves of the bladder, nervous system, the abdominal muscles and even the formation of tumors, so is very important to find the cause and would treat appropriately.
It is an inflammation of the bladder that can cause multiple symptoms such as painful urination, frequent urination, fever, feeling weak, etc.
Pap Smear
Although the abnormal result of this examination generally represents the possibility of cervical cancer, often is an inflammation or vaginal infection. The coposcopia subsequent procedure is recommended. In this process a little camera like a telescope is inserted through the vagina to examine the cervix and remove a small sample is then analyzed by a pathologist, to make an accurate diagnosis and successfully treat it.
Uterine Prolapse
The fall of the uterus (womb) that occurs when the pelvic muscles and ligaments have been stretched losing the ability to support the uterus, leaving this falls into the area of the vagina, protruding. Prolapse can occur at any age but is most common in menopause among women who have had multiple vaginal births.
Tubal Ligation of Falipio (permanent contraceptive method)
It is the surgical sterilization procedure by which the fallopian tubes to the ovaries are disconnected to be cauterized and / or linked, aso preventing the eggs from reaching the uterus for fertilization.
It is a condition in which the cells that normally grow center utero (womb), underside grow out of it. When endometriosis involves the ovary, and the area of endometrial tissue can grow and bleed, forming a brown cyst which is called endometrioma or chocolate cyst. Likewise, the condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome of (PCOS) is characterized by the presence of multiple cysts in both ovaries. PCOS is associated with various hormonal problems and is one of the most common causes of infertility in women.
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The pelvic pain is usually caused by bacteria that are transported from the vagina to the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries or pelvis. The most common causes are vaginal infections. Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, however, there may be as a result of an abortion or the insertion of an intrauterine device. They are very dangerous and can lead to infertility.
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are classified into cancerous growths have a high mortality rate. The most common type is the collicular benign cyst, which is the growth of a follicle. A follicle is like a bag filled with fluids containing an egg. These cysts form when the follicle grows more than normal during the menstrual cycle and not open to release the egg. Cysts may contain blood (hemorrhagic cysts) because of an injury or a small spill blood vessels into the bag of egg. Another type of cyst related to the menstrual cycle is the corpus luteum brown cyst (corpus luteum). The corpus luteum is an area within the ovary tissue that forms after the egg has been released by the follicle. If pregnancy does not occur, the uterus body disintegrates and vanishes. However you may fill with fluid or blood and remains an ovarian cyst usually the cyst is only on one side and not manifest symptoms. Occasionally, ovarian tissue develops abnormally to form another set of tissues such as hair or teeth. This type of abnormal tissue cysts are called teratoma or dermoid. The important thing is to make the correct diagnosis and time to treat successfully.
Vaginitis – Vulvovaginitis
It is an infection characterized by the simultaneous inflammation of the external genitalia (vulva) and the vagina. The most common type of vaginitis is candidiasis (yeast infection) characterized by the external itching and vaginal secretion of a whitish discharge, also bacterial (called gonorrhea), protozoal (trichomoniasis), viruses (human papillomavirus , herpes). etc. frecuentesy are more dangerous and should be diagnosed in time to cure them.
Gynecological Oncology
Thanks to advances in medicine today cervical cancer is treatable and non-fatal and antler can be prevented. If necessary, the gynecologist recommended a hysterectomy (procedure in which the uterus is removed) partially or completely. The ovaries may also be removed through a procedure called oophorectomy in cases of cancer of the ovaries. The most important thing is prevention with annual Pap smear, pelvic ultrasound (ovaries) and vaccination in adolesentes with vaccine virus of human papilomo.
This important change in women is after a year of not menstruating and marks the final stage of fertility officer. This is between 40 and 50 years old (sometimes earlier, depending on the age at which she had her first menstrual period) and brings hormonal and emotional disorders.
Gynecology Geriatrica
After age 65, women experience changes as a sequel to the lack of hormones. Among the most common complaints that arise are vaginal dryness, chronic vulvitis, vaginitis, pelvic pain, fall of the uterus (prolapse), etc. Our doctors will guide you in the right direction to alleviate these conditions by the different alternatives available treatments and medications.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Gynecologists Problems
Pelvic Examination – Once a year as a minimum, made by the doctor in the office, discover diseases in time for successful treatment.
Ultrasound – ultrasound of the pelvis is displaying on a TV ovaries, womb, bladder, the pelvic injuries, etc.
Pap Smear – is the study of cells of the cervix and vagina discover the cancer in time to treat successfully.
Coloscopy – is the display of cervix with a vaginal device, is done in the office and neck cancer diagnosed matrix.
Sexually Transmitted Infections – are diagnosed with physical examination, laboratory blood and crops. Everyone pueen detected and treated early, they are very dangerous if not treated properly.
Laparoscopy – is the study of the abdominal and pelvic Oranos with a small tube with a camera and detecting disease viewing on a TV.
Surgery – is performed to cure many benign and malignant diseases such as cancer, so as to lift the bladder, vagina rebuild, remove the womb, ovaries, cysts, to join the tubes in cases of infertility, etc.